1. What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us to achieve ?

Ans - The poet wishes to say that for a few moments only we should stop our activities and movements . This will make the introspection process easier and help us to gain newer strength and mental energy to begin our activities a new .

2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death ?

Ans - No , the poet is not talking about death or total inactivity . He says that for a few seconds we should stop our rush and fast daily activities and keep silent. Then we should think about ourselves . This introspection will make our minds fresh and energized and we will get new strength to lead a better life . It is not death , but a better life .

3. What is the ' sadness ' that the poet refers to in the poem ?

Ans - This ' sadness ' due to our failure to know ourselves . Often we become so busy in our worldly activities and turn blind to our inner identities . This deprives us of examining and knowing ourselves . According to the poet , to understand ourselves we must introspect in complete silence .

4. What symbol from Nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life under apparent stillness ?

Ans - The poet invokes the image of mother Earth to say that there is possibility of life under apparent stillness . He says that by the autumns and winter season , the earth is devoid of any activity . He says that by the autumn and winter seasons , the earth is devoid of any activity , everything seems to be quiet and lethargic in energy . But the spring season brings with it a new freshness and vigour in Nature , trees , human beings , birds and all other living beings get a new life . The previous silence and stillness is replaced by a new Earth full of energy , activity and happiness .

B. Additional Question and Answers :

1. " Now we will count to twelve 

     and we will all keep still .

     For once on the face of the Earth

     let's not speak in and language ,

     and not move our arms so much 

     It would be an exotic moment 

     without rush , without engines ,

     we would all be together 

     In a sudden strangeness ."

(a) Name the poet and the poem ?

Ans - The poem is " Keeping Quiet " , and the poet is Pablo Neruda .

(b) Why should we count to twelve ?

Ans - The poet wants to say that we should keep quiet and in the mean time , we should count from one to twelve . This counting will give us the patience to keep inactive for some time .

(c) What does the poet mean by ' not speak in  any language ' and ' not move our arms so much '?

Ans - By ' not speak in any language ' the poet refers to complete silence and by ' not move our arms so much ' he means to say that while keeping quiet we should also remain inactive and still .

(d) What would be the ' exotic moment ' ?

Ans - The poet says that the short while in which we introspect will be an ' exotic moment '.

(e) What would happen without rush and without engines ?

Ans - When we become silent and examine ourselves we should keep away from our daily activities and stop the busy works. This will lead to a complete tranquility and we will feel freshness in our minds and bodies .

(f) What is the sudden ' strangeness ' ? Why ?

Ans - In introspection , we will suddenly feel a togetherness among ourselves . That is why it will be a strange moment .

2. " Fisherman in the cold sea 

       would not harm whales 

       and the man gathering salt

       would look at his hurt hands .

       Those who prepare green wars ,

       wars with gas , wars with fire ,

       victory with no survivors ,

       would put no clean clothes 

       and walk about with their brothers 

       In the shade , doing nothing . "

(a) What would be the effect of introspection on the fisherman ?

Ans - The fisherman would think for a while and stop harming the whales on the sea , he would catch only limited fishes for himself .

(b) How would the man gathering salt be effected by the introspection ?

Ans - The man gathering salt has wounded hands which signify that he has collected enough . After introspection he would learn that he should stop being greedy . He would try to gather salt only as much as he would need .

(c) What is meant by ' green wars ' ?

Ans - 'Green Wars ' means all the new wars which are fought by the people of the world .

(d) What are the things used in the fighting of wars ?

Ans - Different types of gases and dangerous fires are used in wars .

(e) What can the people engaged with wars do to live like brothers with their enemies ?

Ans - The poet hopes that with the help of quiet introspection the war fighters might be inspired to stop wars and throw away their blood stained clothes . They can put on clean new clothes and becomes friends with those whom they usually fight against .


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