1. Where does the brook come from ?
Ans - The brook comes from the haunts of coot and hern, and then sparkles out among the fern .
2. Whom does the brook want to join at the end of its journey ?
Ans - At the end of its journey , the brook wants to join the overflowing river in the valley .
3. What are the flowers that grow near the brook ?
Ans- The sweet forget -me - nots , a type of bright blue flower , grow near the brook .
4. Mention the name of the bird that flies above the brook ?
Ans - The swallow , a swift flying bird , flies above the brook .
5. Where was the poet born ?
Ans - The poet , Alfred Lord Tennyson , one of the most famous poets of Victorian England , was born in Lincolnshire , England .
B. Answer the following questions in a few words :
1. What does the brook do as it flows down ?
Ans - The brook comes out from the haunts of the water birds like the coot and heron to make a sudden sally . It flows sparking out among the fern , bickering down a valley .
2. Mention some of the words relating to sound scattered throughout the poem ?
Ans - Some of the words relating to sound scattered through the poem are - Sparkle , chatter , bubble , murmur .
3. Mention some words relating to movement in the poem ?
Ans - The words relating to movement that are used in the poem are- bicker , slip , brimming , babble , caddying , slip , slide and skimming .
4. What does the brook represent ? Human life or nature ?
Ans - In the poem, the brook , through its activities tries to show that human life is temporary , though the nature is eternal . Human beings take birth and after completing their activities , they die but the brook having no end , keeps on flowing for ever and ever .
5. Explain the line : " I murmur under moon and stars/ In brambly wilderness "?
Ans - The lines " I murmur under the moon and stars / In brambly wilderness " depicts the movement of the brook in the silence of the night under the moonlight and the stars passing through the wild and thorny shrubs . Through these lines the poet shows the brook never stops flowing whether be it day or night .
C. Answer the following questions briefly in your own words :
1. Quote the refrain of the poem " The Brook " . Explain it briefly ?
Ans - The refrain of the poem is " For men may come and men may go / But I go on forever . " This line has got great significance . The repetition of the line all through the poem at different times is a constant reminder to the readers that human life is temporary on this earth , while the world of nature is permanent . The ever flowing brook represents the permanence of nature . Man in comparison to nature is short lived . His existence on this earth is transitory .
2. Which lines in the poem compare the brook to a human being .
Ans - The following lines in the poem compare the brook to a human being :
"With many curve my banks I fret
By many a field and fallow ,
And many a fairy foreland set
With willow weed and mallow "
3. Describe in brief the journey of the brook in the early part of the poem ?
Ans - The journey of the brook begins in the highest hill ranges . It is the dwelling place of water birds like the coot and the heron . It runs sparkling out among the fern , bickering down a valley . Then it flows down the narrow hill ranges and through small villages , farms and fields in brimming sunlight . At night it moves shattering , gurgling and bubbling downwards in a curving movement . It moves chattering to join the brimming river . It flows by the farm of a man called Phillip before it plunges in to a river full of water .
D. Give suitable answers to the following :
1. Discuss in brief the beauty of nature as described by the poet in the poem ?
Ans - The poem " The Brook " reflects the poet's great love for nature . It shows the beautiful journey of a brook through hills and valleys . The journey of the brook begins in the highest hill ranges . It is the dwelling place of water birds like the coot and the heron . It runs sparkling out among the fern , bickering down a valley . Then it flows down narrow hill ranges and through small villages , farms and fields in brimming sunlight. At night it moves shattering , gurgling and bubbling downwards in a curving movement . It moves chattering to join the brimming river . It flows by the farm of a man called Phillip before it plunges in to a river full of water .
The excited and happy stream continues its journey with its ' chatter' . it flows relentlessly to meet its final destination - the overflowing river . As the stream continues its journey amid the flora and fauna of the countryside , it gets a flower as its companion . It carries the flower along . It happily offers refuge to small fishes like the trout and the grayling .
The stream meets upheaval along its way as it bangs on various hindrances like stones , rock pieces and gold coloured graves . Its splash creates foams and bubbles . These foams shine brilliantly in sunshine beaming a silvery glow .
The force of the current of water of the stream pushes all that comes its way - from the light flower to sand particlesto gravel and stones . The stream moves by lawns and patches of meadows. It leaves behind shrubs like the hazel . Some blue - colored attractive flowers like the them joyfull . The stream has to move past the many birds looking for insects skim over the surface of its water . The stream dances majestically in the sunlight as it flows past its shallow sandy banks .
The stream has a continuous journey . During its journey at night, it sees the moon and the stars. The wilderness of the surrounding full of the thorny bramble shrubs does not upset it . Finally the brook join the river , its final destination . Thus , all through the poem the poet describes the beauty of nature along the terrain the brook flows through .
2. How does the poet convey the central idea of the poem through the journey ?
Ans - The poem "The Brook " centers round the idea of the perpetuity of natured the transitory human life on earth . It shows the beautiful journey of a brook through hills and valleys. The journey of the brook begins in the highest hill ranges . It is the dwelling place of water birds like the coot and the hereon . It runs sparkling out among the fern, bickering down a valley . Then it flows down narrow hill ranges and through small villages , farms and fields in brimming sunlight. At night it moves shattering , gurgling and bubbling downwards in a curving movement . It moves chattering to join the brimming river .This journey of the brook is ever lasting . But the human live on this earth is short and ephimaral. The refrain of the poem , " For men may come and men may go / But I go on forever ." is a reminder of it . The repitation of the line all through the poem at different times is a constant reminder to the readers that human life is temporary on this earth , while the world of nature is permanent . The ever flowing brook represents the permanence of nature . Man in comparison to nature is short lived . His existence on this earth is transitory .