1. The Uruka happens to be an important aspect of Magh Bihu. Give an elaborate account of the celebration associatd with Uruka ?

Ans - Magh Bihu or Maghar Domahi is a harvest festival celebrated in Assam , India , which marks the end of harvesting season in the month of Maagha (January - February ) . It is the Assam celebration of Makar Sankranti , with feasting lasting for a week .

The night before Magh Bihu is called Uruka, it is the night of feasts. Villagers make bamboo huts called "Bhelaghor", or community kitchen and begin the preparations . Various dishes , vegetables , meat items and sweet such as Pitha , Laru are made out of sesame, molasses and coconut are prepared . The next morning , the community gathers to light the Meji , a large bon fire and ray for a better harvest in the year ahead . Offerings are made to be sacred fire and people later indulge in traditional Jolpan breakfast . Indigenous games such as Dhop Khel, Pot Breaking , Egg Fights and Buffalo fighting are also a art of the celebrations . Community fishing by the tribes in the ;arge wetlands can be also seen .

2. People do not take the usual rice and curry on the Domahi or Sankranti day of their lunch . What are the different kinds of food items that people have for lunch on this particular day ?

Ans - Magh Bihu is one of the most important community festivals in Assam . It is the harvest festival celebrated by the Assamese people in the local month of Magh during mid-January . Magh Bihu is also called as Bhogali Bihu as it is celebrated with community feasts after the annual harvest .

The harvest taken on the day of Magh Bihu or Sankranti is not normal rice and curry . On this day the womenfolk , both tribal and non-tribal , clean the household clothes and keep themselves busy in baking various types of pitha , pounding cira , making laru , preparing oil , gur and etc. Coconut , sesame , curds , molasses unboiled rice and betel-nut have particular place in this bihu since this items are also required in the Agni-puja of the Sankranti day . Cakes, sunga pitha or sunga caul is especially prepared in Magh Bihu . Another special preparation of Magh Bihu is mah-karai, a combination of blackgram , unboiled rice , sesame and pieces of ginger roasted together in fire .

3. Although the kacharis , the most numerous tribe of Assam , have similar customs like the Magh Bihu , they differ in certain features . Describe the manner in which the Kacharis celebrate their festival during the time of Assamese Magh Bihu ?

Ans - The Kacharis , the most numerous tribe of Assam , have similar customs, though these in certain features . They also tie cords round fruit bearing trees . They offer rice to" the flying ", the sinking and the moving ", that is , to birds , to fish , and to animas like dogs, and pigs . Further , on the Domahi Day they put a mark of water mixed with cow dung , around their granary . On the seventh day of Magh Bihu they again clean the untensils , sacrifices fowls to Bathou, their god and go out carol singing , collecting eatables. They call this custom as Megan or begging .

Kacharis consider the construction , of Bhelaghars and setting fire to them to be the special pregative of cowherd boys . The boys burn the Bhelaghars before dawn , before the crows come out of their nest . The leading cowherd while setting fire to the Bhelaghars in a village starts a prayer accompanied by other boys of his village. They prays that disease may not visit their village , that their village may filled with paddy and riches, that their cattle may be large and strong like the rhinoceros and the elephant , that those person who had beaten them even though the cattle in their charge had eaten up the persons .

4. Describe the different kinds of sports and martial game associated with Magh Bihu . How did the young people in earlier times prepare themselves for participating in the Martial arts ?

Ans - The word Bhog which refers to joy of eating is from where Bhogali Bihu has originated . It is celebrated in the mid of January and it indicates the closing stage of the harvest season . During this festival celebration , since there is plenty of granary , people enjoy to a great extent eating extensively and feasting . Besides that , people enjoy the festivity of this season by playing a great many of sports on this day some of which are Nightingale -fight , cock -fight , egg fight and many more . People play these sports through the whole day and enjoy the merriment of the festival . All the three Bihus are celebrated to worship Lord Krishna and are celebrated by almost all the religious group residing throughout Assam and irrespective of the case , creed and ethincity . The Assamese Diaspora residing in other parts of the world also celebrate Bihu .

5. Khati Bihu , according to the author , cannot be called a festival as such . How is Kati Bihu celebrated in Assam ?

Ans - Kati Bihu or Kongali Bihu as it is commonly known derives its name from the month of Kartik which is traditionally known as Kati . Unlike Bohag Bihu , Kati is nota flamboyant festival and the festivities are more sombre in nature . This Bihu is celebrated during the time relocation of the rice sapling during the month of October . The granaries of the farmers usually remain empty during this time , hence it is known as Kongali (poor) Bihu .

The main part of this Bihu celebration involves lightning of lamps or saaki (Candles ) in different parts of the household or paddy field . The main lamp is lit in the courtyard near the Tulsi plant . The Tulsi plant holds a special significance for Hindu people as it is considered to be very auspicious in Hindu religion . Besides being very auspicious , the plant is known to possess various medicinal properties that can cure a person of various ailments .

On the occasion of Kati Bihu , the plant is thoroughly cleaned and is placed on a 'Tulsi Bheti '. A lamp is lit in front of the plant and various Prasad and prayers are offered to Goddess Tulsi for the wellbeing of the family and for a good harvest . The Prasad is later on shared among various members of the household .

In the paddy field , farmers lit up a special kind of lamp , known as 'Akash Bati ' or sky lamp . These lamps are placed high on bamboo pole or bamboo tree . It is believed these lamps are lit to show our ancestors the way to heaven. Scientifically speaking , these lamps help to attract the various insects or pests in the field . They get drawn to the fire and die , which helps to keep the crops healthy . 


1. Magh Bihu is the foremost festival of which state of India ?

Ans - Assam .

2. Magh Bihu is celebrated in which month ?

Ans - Magh Bihu is celebrated in the month of January .

3. What does the term Domahi means ?

Ans - The word Domahi means the junction of two months .

4. Fire ceremony is closely associated with which Bihu ?

Ans - Magh Bihu .

5. What is the other name of Magh Bihu ?

Ans -  Bhogali Bihu .

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