Answer the following questions in one or two words :
1. Which season is the poem set in ?
Ans- The poem is set in the late autumn.
2. Who is being addressed at the beginning of the poem?
Ans- The very beginning line of the poem addresses the Knight - at - arms.
3. Where did the Knight meet the lady ?
Ans - The Knight met the very beautiful lady in the meadows .
4. In which year was the poem composed ?
Ans- The poem La Belle Dame Sans Merci was composed in the year 1819.
5. What words did Lily utter ?
Ans - The lady made a sweet moan and sang a fairy's song for the knight .
B. Answer the following questions in a few words :
1. What did the knight make for the lady ?
Ans- The knight , in order to shoe his love, made a garland for the head of the lady and bracelets for her arms .
2. What did the lady give him in return ?
Ans - In return of the gifts of the knight the lady brought him roots of relish sweet , wild honey and nectar of the Gods in the form of manna dew .
3. What did the lady do in her cave ?
Ans- The lady took the knight to her elfin grot i.e. her cave and there she cried bitterly when the knight shut her wild eyes by his act of kissing . And after that , the lady lulled the Knight to sleep.
4. What did the knight see in his dreams ?
Ans - It was the latest dream that the knight ever dreamt on the cold hill's side . He saw the pale faces of kings , princess and the warriors who were crying for mercy to the beautiful lady who was responsible for their conditions of misery and suffering .
5. What was the lady known as ?
Ans - From the cry of the kings , prices and warriors , we came to know that the lady is known as "La Belle Dame Sans Merci " which means a lady without any mercy .
C. Answer the following question in your own words :
1. What are the signs that show us that the knight is suffering ?
Ans - The poem depicts the pain of a lover who loves his lady very much . He was loitering alone and sad . It was the odd time of the year when the nature was not at her best . The sedge had withered from the lake on which shore he was loitering . It was the time when no birds sang . The lady takes him to her cave assuring him that she loved him too and their she lulled him to sleep , in which he dreamt of the pale face of the kings , princes and warriors crying for mercy to the beautiful lady . When he woke up , he could feel that his dream turned into reality as he could not find his lady love in that very place . The knight turned miserable , loitering palely all around without any destination . These are the signs that shows us that the knight is suffering .
2. Give description of the lady ?
Ans - The whole poem centers round the story of the knight and his lady love . As described in the poem , we can assume that the lady is probably a very beautiful one . The knight got attracted to the charm and beauty of the lady and fell in love with her . The knight met the lady in the meadows who according to him was very beautiful with a face like a fairy's child, her hair was very long and her foot was light . Her eyes have been mentioned as wild . He was so overwhelmed by the beauty that he made garland and bracelets for his lady love .
3. Describe the dream of the knight ?
Ans - Being deeply in love with the lady , the knight followed her to elfin grot where she cried her heart out and the knight comforted her by imprinting kisses on her eyes . The lady made a sweet moan and began singing a fairy's song thereby making the knight fall asleep . In his slumber , the knight dreamt of the pale faces of the kings , princes and warriors pleading for mercy to the lady . They were all tormented by the indifference of the lady whom they love. Suddenly the knight woke up and to his utter surprise , he realised that his dream turned into reality as the lady was not there with him and he could find himself in the same place , like the people he dreamt of , alone and palely loitering without knowing his destination .
D. Give suitable answers to the following :
1. Why was the knight loitering about ?
Ans - Being deprived of his unrequited love , the knight was palely loitering about. The poem depicts the pain of a lover who loves his lady very much. But unfortunately , he is not being loved in return . The knight could feel that everything was meaningless for him . He felt as if he was the only creature on earth who was deprived of love . He was forced to loiter about aimlessly with the anguish of unrequited love .
2. In your own words describe the experience of the knight ?
Ans The whole poem centers round the story of the knight and his lady love . As described in the poem , we can assume that the lady is very beautiful . The knight got attracted to the charm and beauty of the lady and fell in love with her . The knight met the lady in the meadows who according to him was very long and her foot was light . Her eyes have been mentioned as wild . He was so overwhelmed by her beauty that he made garland and bracelets for his lady love.
Being deeply in love with the lady, the knight followed her to her elfin grot where she cried her heart out and the knight confronted her by imprinting kisses on her eyes . The lady made a sweet moan and began singing a fairy's song thereby making the knight fall asleep. In his slumber , the knight dreamt of the pale faces of the kings , princes and warriors pleading for mercy to the lady . They were all tormented by the indifference of the lady whom they love . Suddenly the knight woke up and to his utter surprise , he realised that his dream turned into reality as the lady was not there with him and he could find himself in the same place , like the people he dreamt of , alone and palely loitering without knowing his destination .