Millions of factors are there in this generation that are harming the environment, as a result the life span of the environment is getting depleted these days. Thousands of chemical factors and other kinds of harmful gasses are deleting a portion of the life . And also the main cause of this degradation is deforestation .
Billions of factories as well as industries had been set up on the forest areas and as a result huge amount of deforestation had taken place . Not only the factories are the cause of this deforestation but also the harmful gases and products coming from it are also the cause of this degradation . On the other hand the vehicles are playing a lead role by destroying the environment. NO2 and other harmful gases are the soldiers of these destruction .
Lastly the main consequence from this degradation could be seen in the depletion of the Ozone layer which protects us from the UV rays. But soon this shield , protecting the earth would disable soon . And then the diseases from these rays would start to rise among the humans . And as a result there will be nothing left in this planet .
So will there be any cure for this problem or the meaning of environment will just be written in the books.