1. What do you mean by staffing ? What are the nature of staffing function ?

Ans - Staffing involves manning the organisation structure through the organisation structure through proper and effective selection appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into structure .

Nature of Staffing are as follows -

1. Managerial Function - Staffing is one of the functions of management . In a new organisation it is is performed after planning and organising functions while it is continual function in running organisation.

2. Concerned with human resources - Staffing is concerned with all types of personnel in the organisation both as individuals and as a group .

3. Continuous function - The organisation is to maintain and retain employees so it has to perform this function regularly . Thus , it is a continuous function of management .

4. Optimum utilisation of personnel - The objective of this function is to ensure optimum utilisation of human resources .

5. Undertaken at all levels - Staffing is required at all levels. Sometimes this function at departmental level , or their can be a separate department for this function .

2. What are the importance of Staffing ?

Ans - 1. Appointing required personnel - Staffing function helps in fulfilling various positions in the organisation . It undertakes the process of requirement and selection for employing persons for various jobs .

2. Proper utilisation of manpower resources - Staffing helps in making proper and optimum use of human resources . If human assets are not effectively utilised , they become burden for the organisation.

3. Placing suitable persons - The appointment of suitable persons will ensure higher efficiency and better performance . Staffing is the only function which helps in appointing right person on the right place .

4. Ensures survival and growth - The survival and growth of an organisation will depend upon the capabilities of employees it has employed and the staffing function ensures the appointment of suitable employees .

5. Helpful in building sound organisation - Staffing helps in building a healthy organisation in which job performance and satisfaction are high .

3. What are the steps for the process of Staffing ?

Ans - 1. Estimating Manpower requirements - The first thing in staffing process is to estimate manpower needs. The manpower plan is subject to revision from time to time as per the requirement .

2. Recruitment - Recruitment is the process of searching prospective employees and persuading them to apply in the organisation .

3. Selection - It is a process of selecting suitable persons for different jobs out of the total persons applied for the particular job .

4. Placement and Orientation - Placement is the asking of selected candidates to occupy the positions in the organisation for which they have been selected .

Orientation means introducing the new employee to the environment , colleagues , rules , regulations and policies of the organisation.

5. Training - Training is meant to improve the skills and knowledge of the employees. Training equips new employees with knowledge and skill with reference to their jobs .

6. Performance appraisal - Performance appraisal is a method to access the working of a person . Not only the qualities but deficiencies are also evaluated to improve the performance of employees .

7. Promotion - Promotion is the process which gives higher responsibilities , better status , better opportunities .

8. Compensation - The matching of the salary to the contribution of the employees is a difficult task of the staffing process. The wage and salary structure should be such that it is fair to both the employees and employers .

4. What is Recruitment ? What are the sources of Recruitment ?

Ans - Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation . When more persons apply for jobs then their will be a scope for recruiting better persons . The jobseekers too on the other hand are in search of organisations offering them employment . Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs .

Sources - Their are in general two sources of recruitment -

1. Internal Sources 

2. External Sources .

1. Internal Sources - Internal Sources is one of the important sources of recruitment . The employees already work in the organisation may be more suitable for higher jobs than those recruited from outside . Internal sources are discussed as follows -

(a) Transfer - Transfer involves shifting of persons from present job to other similar places . These do not involve any change in rank , responsibility and prestige .

(b) Promotion - Promotion refers to shifting of persons to positions better prestige , higher responsibilities and more salaries . Promotion avenues motivate employees to improve their performance so that they get promotion to higher position .

(c) Present Employees - The present employees of an enterprise may be informed about likely vacant positions . The persons recommended by the employees will be suitable for the job because they know the needs of various positions .

Merits - 1. Economical - The method of internal recruitment is economical . The cost incurred in selecting a person is saved .

2. Improve Moral - The internal sources of recruitment will boost moral of employees . Since existing employees are given preference in promotions .

3. Experience- Through internal recruitment , the selected employees are already gained experience , so no need to wastage time for extra training and development .

2. External Sources - Every enterprise has to use external sources for recruitment to higher positions when existing employees are not suitable . External sources are discussed below -

(a) Advertisement - Advertisement is the best method of recruiting persons for higher and experienced jobs . The advertisement are given in local or national press, trade or professional journals.

(b) Employment Exchange - Employment Exchanges run by the government are also a good source of recruitment. Unemployed persons get themselves registered with these exchanges . The vacancies may be notified with the exchanges whenever their is need .

(c) Educational Institutions - The jobs in trade and industry are becoming technical and complex. These jobs require certain amount of educational and technical qualifications. The students are spotted during the course of their studies in their technical institutions .

(d) Unsolicited Applicants - Persons in search of employment may contact employers through telephone , by post or in person . When jobs are suitable for these persons are available these are considered for employment .

(e)Casual Callers - Management may appoint persons who casually call on them for meeting short demands. These persons are appointed for short periods only .

Merits - 1. Brings new ideas - The selection of persons from outside sources will have the benefit of new ideas , thinking , technology .

2. Availability of suitable persons - External sources will give a wide choice for selection to the management . They will also be suitable as per the requirements of skill , training and education .

5. What do you mean by Selection ? What are the process of Selection ?

Ans - The appointment of suitable persons on various jobs is very essential . After the receipt of appropriate number of applications through various sources of recruitment , selection process starts . It is concerned with securing relevant information about the applicant .

Steps of Selection Process-

1. Scrutiny of the applications - The scrutiny of applications is the first step in selection process. It is essential to take out those applications which don't fulfill the requirements of jobs .

2. Preliminary interview - It is the occasion when applicants come into contact with company officials. The candidates are asked questions regarding the educational qualifications , age, hobbies etc.

3. Blank Application form - This a way of getting within information about candidates, particulars in his own handwriting and the information may include their bio data , educational qualifications , work experiences , salary demanded etc.

4. Tests - The use of tests for making selection most controversial state . The work of tests will be judged form its ability to reject unsuitable persons and help in selecting appropriate persons . The tests are of two types -

(a) Proficiency tests - These tests measures the skill or training which the applicant possesses at the time of testing , such as achievement test , texeterity test , etc.

(b) Applicable test - Such test measure the skill and ability which a person may develop later on . This measure the talent of a candidate to learn new skill . Such tests are intelligence tests , personality tests etc .

5. Interviews - Applications blanks and tests gives enough information about the applicants but it is still not sufficient to make a final selection . Interviews may be taken to know more about the candidates and give him information about the job .

6. Preliminary and Final Selection- Upto this stage, selection is handled by personal department . If candidates performance is not upto the mark he is tried at some other parts.

7. Physical Examination - The job may require certain physical standards as to height , eyesight , hearing , etc. After the final selection , candidates , are required to appear for medical examination .

8. Placement and Orientation - Placement is the asking of the selected candidates to occupy the positions in the organisation for which they have selected .

Orientation means introducing the new employee in the environment , colleagues , rules and regulations of the organisation .

6. What do you mean by Training and Development ? What are the needs of training ?

Ans - Training is an organised procedure for increasing the knowledge and skill of people for a specific purpose . The trainee acquire new skill , technical knowledge , problem solving ability etc. It also gives problem solving ability etc. It also gives an awareness of rules and the procedures to guide their behaviour . 

Development means overall growth of an individual . It focuses on personal growth and successfull development. An organisation works for the development of its executive in order to enable them to be more effective in performing various managerial functions . So, the work development is used in the control of managerial development .

Needs and Importance of Training -

1. Increases productivity - Training improves the performance of employees . Increased skill and efficiency results in better quantity of production .

2. Higher Employee Moral- A trained worker derives helpness and job satisfaction from his work , as a return his performance is always upto the mark .

3. Less Supervision - The degree of supervision required for a trained worker will be less. A trained worker will be most disciplined and independent .

4. Less Wastages- Untrained workers may waste more materials, damage machines and equipment and may cause accidents but a trained worker will know the art of operating the machine properly which causes less wastages .

5. Easy Adaptability - The technological endorsements will require new approach to work . A trained worker can be more adaptable to change than an uncertain one .

7. What are the methods of Training ?

Ans - Their are mainly two methods of training -

(a) On - the - job - training 

(b) Off - the - job - training .

(a) On - the - job - training - This is one of the commonly used type of training . It is also an effective method of training as operative personnel . In this method the worker is trained on the job and at his work place . He gets training under the same type of conditions in which he will be working later on . The new worker is generally attached to a senior worker who will teach him the technique of doing that work . The method under this training are as follows -

1. Apprenticeship Training- In it, a worker is attached to an experienced or senior , worker, the worker runs will abscuring his senior and helping him in the task of mechanism , electricians , plumbers , learn their job by working with trained persons .

2. Job Rotation Method - It is an important method of broading the knowledge of executives . They are transferred from one job to another and from department to another in a systematic way . This help them in gaining the knowledge of doing various job . Job Rotation helps in producing generalist for administrative jobs .

3. Internship - Under this method , the professional institutes send their students to work in various components so that they practice their the knowledge acquired from the professional studies .

4. Coaching - In it , a superior plays the role of a guide and an instructor . He teaches job knowledge and skills to a subordinate . He tells him what is expected of him and gives guidelines for doing assigned work .

(b) Off - the - job - training -

This method is generally used by government and public enterprises. A school or an institution is established to provide training to all types of persons . A program of training is designed to suit the needs of jobs that the trainers will occupy. The methods of Off - the - job - training are as follows -

1. Vestibule training - It is used to import training in a classroom in the plant . The core meaning of vestibule denotes a room between the outdoor and the interior of a building .It means that workers are trained at same place in the factory . When large number of workers are to be given training , then a separate training department is set up.

2. Conference training - A conference is a group meeting conducted according to an organised plan . The participants in conference express their views on the topics fixed earlier . All the participants of a conference learn from each other .

3. Case study method - Under this method , an actual business situation is described in a comprehensive manner. The trainer are asked to analyse the problems and suggest solutions .

4. Films - Films can give important information on various techniques through demonstration skills.

5. Computer modelling - Under this method, a computer is programmised to show real problems , of a job and the ways to overcome them .

8. What are the differences between Training and Development ?

Ans - 1. Skills - Training mainly deals with technical skills .

Development deals with importing technical , human and conceptual skills.

2. Scope - Training tries to develop skills already possessed by the persons.

Development tries to develop the hidden talents of persons.

3. Personnel - Training is useful for workers and other lower levels.

Development is useful in case of managerial personnel . 

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