1. What is Verbal Communication?
Ans - The communication through spoken and written words is called as verbal communication.
For communicating spoken or written words , different languages have been evolved over period of time.
2. What are the types of Verbal Communication?
Ans - 1. Oral Communication-
Oral communication is the process of communication through spoken words like face to face talks , telephonic talks etc.
2. Written Communication-
Written Communication is process of communication through written words instead of spoken words . For example, memos , letters , reports etc.
3. What are the advantages of Verbal Communication?
Ans - 1. Speed -
With verbal communication, message can be sent in speedy way . As one feels to convey the idea or emotions , one can express it immediately through spoken or written words .
2. Immediate Clarification-
Sometimes it happens that the message conveyed is misunderstood. In verbal communication, the receiver can clarify it immediately either through written words or spoken message .
3. Impact on the listener-
Verbal communication is likely to have greater impact upon the listener . The person conveying the message in precise manner will give more impact as compared to non - verbal communication.
4. Group Communication- With verbal communication ,group communication is possible either in the form of face - to - face conversation or through videoconferencing.
5. Records of Messages - Verbal Communication can also be recorded in tapes on discs for future reference .
4.What are the disadvantages of Verbal communication?
Ans - 1. Difficulty in case of diversity -
Because of number of languages in India , as a result there is a difficult in learning all types of languages , which becomes a barrier in Verbal communication.
2. Consumes more energy - Compared with Nonverbal communication, verbal communication needs greater amount of energy because it requires time to compose the message and type it .
3. Words sometimes insufficient- With passage of time , different languages has been made . But in some cases words becomes insufficient to describe the situation.
5. What is Non -Verbal Communication?
Ans - In broad sense Non-verbal Communication is communication process without the use of spoken or written words . For example - facial expressions, gestures , postures etc.
6. What are the advantages of Non-verbal Communication?
Ans - 1. Easy and acceptable way of communication-
Non-Verbal communication is easy and most accepted way of communication . One finding difficulty because of language barrier can easily one's attitude. These Non-Verbal signals are almost universally accepted.
2. Complements Verbal Communication-
Non- verbal communication complements the verbal communication. In the situation of face to face communication , one can establish rapport , or retain the attention through the non- verbal signals.
3. Adds intensity to communication-
Non-Verbal communication adds intensity to the process of communication. The speaker can effectively communicate his or her message if his/her speech matches the with the body language.
4. Enhances the impact of communication-
Non-Verbal communication enhances the impact of the communication . It has been seen that when people don't understand Verbal communication ,then non-verbal communication is used for the help.
7. What are the disadvantages of Non- Verbal Communication ?
Ans - 1. Different meaning for different people of different cultures -
Non-Verbal signals are not universally acceptable . Different gestures and postures have different meanings in different cultures . As a result misunderstandings are common .
2. Unreliable - Unlike verbal message , non - verbal communication cannot be relied as the authentic message that the sender intends to convey . It depends upon the mood of the sender in which way he wants to convey the message .
3. No record - Unlike written communication , non-verbal communication cannot be recorded for future evidence .
4. Not effective for large gatherings - Non - Verbal communication is more effective in situation of face to face communication when there are only few persons interacting .
8. What are the medias of Communication ?
Ans - There are two medias of communication -
1. Oral Communication 2. Written Communication
1. Oral Communication - Oral communication is that form of communication where we use spoken words to convey our message . For eg - speech, debate , lectures etc.
2. Written Communication - Written Communication is that form of communication where we use written words for delivering out message . For eg- letters , reports , texts etc.
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Oral Communication ?
Ans- A. Advantages -
1. Immediate Clarification - In oral communication , the communicator can immediate clarify the message if the receiver has any doubt about the message .
2. Speedy - Oral communication , whether face to face or through electrical or electronic devices , is speedy .
3. Suitable for emergency - Since oral communication is faster in nature , as a result it can be used easily to transfer emergency message to the receiver quickly.
4. Group Communication - Through oral communication group communication can be easily done for transferring the messages to a large number of people.
5. Personal Quality - Through oral communication , greater impact can be done in the minds of the receiver as it depends upon the personal quality of the speaker.
B. Disadvantages -
1. No record - Since there is no documentary record of the oral communication , it does not become legal evidence . It can be used for future reference if it is recorded on tapes.
2. Lengthy message - If the message is lengthy the chances of its misunderstandings , delusion and forgetting are very high . Lengthy messages are very hard to recognize.
3. Speaker's ineffectiveness- Speaker's inability and ineffectiveness adversely affect the creation and retention of the listener's interest . To make the oral communication effective , speaker's vitality and effectiveness are essential .
4. Limitations of human memory - Because of limitations of human memory oral communication becomes ineffective. Human memory cannot retain all the spoken words even if they have been clearly heard .
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Written Communication?
Ans - Advantages -
1. Permanent Records - Written Communication has the advantage of recording , as a result it can be used as a future evidence .
2. Easier to understood- Written Communication is easier to understand than speech as it gives ample of time to read and understand .
3. Composing in advance - Written Communication can be composed in advance before it is delivered to the audience.
4. Accuracy - Written Communication are less prone to errors, as they are organised more carefully than the spoken messages .
5. Wider Access - Written messages , frequently circulated have wide access to the employees . This is not possible in case of oral message .
Disadvantages -
1. Time Consuming process- Written communication involves time in writing all the necessary information as a result it takes much time for the formation of the message .
2. Not suitable for illiterate- Written communication is not suitable for illiterate persons .
3. Formalism - Written Communication are more formal and rigid than oral communication. As a result , it leads to defensive behaviour among employees .
4. Immediate feedback not possible - Since the receiver has to go through the whole format thoroughly ,then it is not possible for the receiver to provide feedback at an instant time.
11. What are the types of Communication Network ?
Ans- There are two types of Formal Communication Network -
1. Formal Communication 2. Informal Communication .
1. Formal Communication -
Formal Communication networks are systems designed by management to channelize the flow of communication along formal organisation structure . This communication flow is deliberately created along officially recognised positions to ensure smooth , orderly , accurate and timely flow of information .
2 Informal Communication -
Informal communication takes place outside the formally prescribed and planned network or channel . Unlike formal communication which is deliberately created or documented , it is spontaneous and off the records and beyond organisational hierarchy . It has no set of rules and regulations to be followed